work life balancen humor .. confused ramblings

This is an ongoing issue that I am sure everyone faces. How does one balance work and life?

For the art to be authentic it has to come from life. Art as such is a way of life. But to be really honest one has to experience it in life. How does one portray it in the movie if one has not experienced it oneself? Great comedians take personal experience and then from that extract humor. Humor as such is merely a point of view.

Classically speaking the only thing that exists is tragedy and humor is merely a way of looking at tragedy.

I used to really laugh and Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton. But not anymore! Its not like I don’t like it anymore. I still LOVE watching them. Its just that i cant laugh at it anymore. I understand where the humor comes from. It comes from a place of so much pain that I find it hard to not try and analyze what experiences led to that bit in the movie.

Come back to work life balance. It is important to go out and live life and experience everything and from that experience create something if it demands to be created. Nothing is more boring or pretentious than forced art.


So i have been teaching a few hours a week for the last almost one year. Last semester at Takshaa i started teaching basic animation acting. I have to say I was kinda nervous about teaching classes but since i have been doing it I have started to really look forward to it.

Teaching something.. or in my case trying to teach something forces you to look at the subject in a very different manner than you normally would in a work environment. You are forced to come up with reasons why shots dont work or the physics doesnt look right. A lot of this stuff becomes instinct over time. And also over time a lot of this instinct can be forgetten. Everytime my shot doesnt look right is because i have forgotten to put something utterly basic in it. Or i have not planned it right.

Teaching forces you to come up with an ideal way of working for animation. It makes it obivious to you and the students why things dont work.

And you know what surpirsing it is always the basic stuff. Animation is a really really complex art but at the heart of it is made up of really really itterly simple common sense concepts. Infact we owe a lot to the animators of the past who were able to boild animation down to such simple elegance. Mess ups happen not because some major intricate concept was forgotten but because some simple principle was not applied!

This has happened so many times in class that I was completely taken aback.

Next week is the finals for my students. If the students are ok I will post some of the best work out here.